Open Shelving Pantry Ideas

Monday, April 23, 2018

Coming Soon to Conroe, Texas!

We are moving! Look out Texas here we come!! 😃 We are so excited about this new chapter in our lives and cannot wait to meet all our new neighbors! During our transition we will be closed from now until about mid-May. We will be available for phone calls and scheduling appointments. Call 909-556-6004. If we do not answer we might be on the road, so leave a message and we will return your call ASAP. See y'all soon!

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

National Cleaning Week is March 25th - 31st

Don't tackle Spring Cleaning by yourself, hire Spring Cleaned and Organized to help you de-clutter and deep clean. Let's face it housekeeping and organizing can be daunting tasks! Take the stress out of Spring Cleaning and hire us!

We now offer Gift Certificates. Give that special someone in your life the gift of TIME.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

To the Other Half of Stay-at-Home Parents

Want to know what stay-at-home moms and dads wish that their spouses or friends understood? “Yes, I am a stay-at-home parent but no I do not sit on the couch watching soap operas eating bonbons”.  Oh, you may not flat out say, “what did you do all day”, but we hear the implications in the other things you say. How do I know? I have been a stay-at-home mom for years and I understand the challenges of staying home. Here is a little peak inside their day:  mom or dad whisks around the house trying to pick up after the Tasmanian devils throwing toys as they “spin” from room to room and as they “spin” by you hear, ”I’m hungry”, the kids pull you in 10 different directions, they all need your help at the very same time, interrupting every task that they start which makes it super hard to stay focused on what they were doing. The day slips away and to the outside world, it looks as if they have gotten zero done.  To the parent who works outside of the home I ask you this, after working your 8 hour shift, do you come home and clean house? What about on the weekend? Your stay-at-home honey doesn’t want to either. They are just as tired as you are. Have you ever realized that they rarely get to leave their place of work? They do not have that time on the way home from work to de-stress. I bet you never imagined that your commute home is a blessing. I remember when my kids were little that I actually envied my husband’s drive home because he had alone time! Just to be clear, I am in no way taking away from the joy and benefits to the entire family by having one parent stay at home, but the stay-at-home parent does not have all of the time in the world to accomplish all that needs to be done, including keeping the house spotless. By the way, that does not exist in any house with kids. Just saying. So offer your honey a break from the stress of trying to keep the home clean. Let us help your honey clean or even organize the house and give some precious time back to them. From one stay-at-home mom to the spouse, this just might be the most thoughtful gift you can ever give, time (Oh, and occasionally a sitter, spa day, shopping, alone time with a book where you absolutely forbid the children anywhere near…)    :0)